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List call detail records

Fetch a list of call detail records. The insights field is only included if the insights feature subscription is active for the current account.

Query Parameters
    filter string

    Filter calls by a search query

    internalNumber string[]

    Filter calls by internal number(s)

    externalNumber string

    Filter calls by external number

    direction string[]

    Possible values: [INBOUND, OUTBOUND]

    Filter calls by direction(s)

    status string[]

    Possible values: [MISSED, ANSWERED, VOICEMAIL]

    Filter calls by status(es)

    user string[]

    Filter calls by user(s)

    sentiment string[]

    Possible values: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL]

    Filter calls by sentiment(s)

    datePreset string[]


    Filter calls by date preset (overrides startDate and endDate)

    durationPreset string[]

    Possible values: [1-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-0]

    Filter calls by duration preset, it overrides minDuration and maxDuration

    minDuration integer

    Filter calls by minimum duration in seconds, it is ignored if durationPreset is set

    maxDuration integer

    Filter calls by maximum duration in seconds, it is ignored if durationPreset is set

    isAnonymous boolean

    Filter calls by origin is anonymous

    hasInsights boolean

    Filter calls by whether they have insights

    hasNotes boolean

    Filter calls by whether they have notes

    contactLookup boolean

    Include contact details in the response

    excludeIds string[]

    Exclude specific call detail record IDs

    sort string

    Possible values: [date, duration, status, internalNumber, externalNumber, user]

    Default value: date

    Sort calls by a field

    sortOrder string

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    Default value: DESC

    The order to sort the items in

    startDate unix-timestamp

    The start date to filter on. It will be ignored if presetDate is set.

    endDate unix-timestamp

    The end date to filter on. It will be ignored if presetDate is set.

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    The page number to retrieve

    perPage integer

    Default value: 10

    The number of items per page


Successfully retrieved the call detail records

    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique id of the call

    date date-time

    The date and time of the call

    direction string

    Possible values: [inbound, outbound]

    The direction of the call

    externalNumber object

    The external number of the call

    anonymous boolean

    Whether the external number is anonymous.

    localized string nullable

    External number in localized format (or null).

    e164 string nullable

    External number in E.164 format (or null).

    isOnClientBlacklist boolean

    Whether the external number is on the client blacklist.

    isOnGlobalBlacklist boolean

    Whether the external number is on the global blacklist.

    internalNumber object
    id string nullable

    The ID of the number, or null if is not active

    label string nullable

    The label of the number, or null if is not active or has no label

    number string

    The phone number in E.164 format

    localizedNumber string

    The phone number in localized format

    duration integer

    The duration of the call in seconds

    status string


    The status of the call

    missedReason string nullable


    The reason why the call was missed

    user object

    Possible values: [null]

    id string

    The unique id of the user

    initials string

    The initials of the user

    firstName string

    The first name of the user

    lastName string

    The last name of the user

    fullName string

    The full name of the user

    phoneNumber object
    e164 string

    The phone number of the user in E.164 format

    countryIsoCode string

    The country code of the user phone number in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format

    countryCallingCode number

    The country calling code of the user phone number

    number string

    The phone number of the user without country calling code

    role string

    Possible values: [user, admin, answeringService]

    The role of the user

    availability string

    Possible values: [AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE]

    The availability of the user

    avatarUrls object
    small uri nullable

    URL for the small sized avatar of the user (250x250)

    large uri nullable

    URL for the large sized avatar of the user (500x500)

    contact object

    Possible values: [null]

    id string

    The ID of the contact

    firstName string

    The first name of the user

    lastName string

    The last name of the user

    initials string

    The initials of the user

    fullName string

    The full name of the user

    companyName string nullable

    The company name of the user

    numbers object[]
  • Array [
  • label string

    The label of the phone number

    e164 string

    The phone number of the contact in E.164 format

    countryIsoCode string

    The country code of the contact phone number in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format

    countryCallingCode number

    The country calling code of the contact phone number

    number string

    The phone number of the contact without country calling code

  • ]
  • favorite boolean

    Whether or not the contact is a favorite

    shared boolean

    Whether or not the contact is shared with all the users in the account

    sharedByUser string nullable

    The ID of the user that shared the contact

    defaultOutboundNumberId string nullable

    The ID of the number to use for outbound calls

    tag string nullable

    The tag of the contact

    email string nullable

    The email address of the contact

    avatarUrls object
    small uri nullable

    Represents the URL for the small sized avatar of the contact (250x250)

    large uri nullable

    Represents the URL for the large sized avatar of the contact (500x500)

    voicemail object

    Possible values: [null]

    id string

    The unique id of the voicemail

    new boolean

    Whether the voicemail is new

    duration integer

    The duration of the voicemail in seconds

    availableUntil date-time

    The date until which the voicemail is available

    playUrl uri

    The url to the audio stream of the voicemail

    callRecording object

    Possible values: [null]

    id string

    The unique id of the call recording

    availableUntil date-time

    The date and time until the recording is available

    playUrl uri

    The url to the audio stream of the call recording

    hasNotes boolean

    Whether the call has notes

    insights object
    status string


    sentiment string nullable

    Possible values: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL, null]

    topics array nullable
  • ]
  • meta object
    pagination object
    totalItems integer

    The number of items in the collection

    totalPages integer

    The number of pages in the collection

    currentPage integer

    The current page

    perPage integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50

    The number of items per page

    links object
    self uri

    The url to the first page

    first uri

    The url to the first page

    last uri

    The url to the last page

    previous uri nullable

    The url to the previous page

    next uri nullable

    The url to the next page
